Although there is no specific legislation to check company car driver eyesight, it is still a vital part of a company’s Duty of Care responsibilities to its employees under Health and Safety Legislation.
ALD Automotive’s DriveSafe risk management programme can provides your business with the ability to record information on routine driver eye tests to ensure Duty of Care compliance and help minimise driver risks.
Forms part of DriveSafe comprehensive road risk management programme
Allows routine driver eye tests to be recorded
Automatic reminders every two years
Reduces driver risk
Provides auditable record for Duty of Care compliance
Cost-effective method
As a growing number of businesses recognise the need to monitor and record company driver eyesight tests, ALD Automotive’s DriveSafe risk management solution can provide a cost-effective and simple solution.
DriveSafe offers a comprehensive tool to help you meet all your Duty of Care responsibilities when it comes to road risk management and this includes eyesight checking.
Using the service, you can record information on routine driver eye tests to show employees who drive on business have had an eyesight test in the last two years.
Information displayed in a summary dashboard clearly shows those drivers who have confirmed they have had an eyesight check, enabling you to focus on those who haven’t had an eyesight check or have not responded at all.
The service provides a cost -effective method of gaining both peace of mind and auditable records that demonstrate this important Duty of Care requirement has been met.