Environmental Policy Statement

ALD maintains a continuing and positive interest in environmental matters which is mirrored by our parent company, Société Générale. ALD is committed to providing a safe and healthy workplace and when carrying out our work activities we consider the effects on the wider environment, and aim to minimise any harmful impact, so far as is reasonably practicable.


ALD are committed to the management of the company’s environmental aspects and seek to:

Ensure compliance with the company Environmental and Quality Manual, to ensure legal compliance as a minimum standard and exceed where reasonably practicable.

Maintain the continual improvement of ALD’s environmental performance through the regular review of its management system. 


In order to control and maintain environmental performance, ALD’s company culture aims to:

Review its raw material resources to ensure that, wherever possible, recycled materials are selected, the use of non-renewable supplies are minimised and focus is directed towards sourcing sustainable materials and processes. 

Conserve energy wherever possible, seeking to reduce our use of fossil fuels. 

Maintain waste-saving protocols to ensure the recovery of recyclable material. 

Encourage customers, suppliers and contractors to develop sustainable management practices. 

ALD Environmental and Quality Manual contains the company policy and process documentation for all environmental matters.  In response to legislative requirements and good industrial practice, any significant developments to policy, process or procedure will be actioned in consultation with the business’s Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Champions Group and where appropriate our Employee Consultation Group.  We monitor and fully audit the progress of our business against the standards and objectives we have defined in our full policy. 


Specifically our environmental aims are:

We have a responsibility to consult, inform and raise awareness of environmental matters with both our employees, our suppliers and our customers. 

We will investigate ways of reducing the overall level of CO2 emissions caused by the business mileage of our own company fleet and offsetting the balance of CO2 emissions caused.  

We will investigate ways of advising our customers on how they can reduce / mitigate the overall level of emissions caused by the business mileage of their vehicle fleets. 

All employees will be encouraged to consider environmental impact prior to undertaking any business journey.  All employees driving on business for ALD will be offered advice on how to drive and operate a vehicle in order to reduce the impact on the environment. 

When purchasing from any of our core suppliers we will request information on environmental standards, policies and systems and will take this information into account when making any purchasing decision. 

Conserve energy wherever possible, seeking to reduce its use of fossil fuels. 

We will manage and reduce potential pollutants across all our sites. 

We will investigate and introduce ways of recycling waste products and other items consumed at all our sites. 



Tim Laver

Deputy Managing Director

ALD Automotive | LeasePlan UK