'A day in the life of...Rob Pollard'
Application Developer
"I suppose the acid test of any permanent role, is how one feels after working at a place for over 3 years? Many software developers - myself included - tend to get itchy feet after such a duration, but in ALD's case, I have no intention of leaving - I'm just having way too much fun!"
ALD also invests heavily in its staff. We all have free Pluralsight and MSDN accounts. In addition, ALD encourages its staff to get educated on a wide variety of external courses. On top of this we regularly host our own training talks, delivered by developers for developers. I have learnt so much since joining!
Development work is completely iterative. I really enjoy demonstrating our work to the users first hand every two weeks. It’s great to see their delight at the product’s onward development and to be able to discuss first hand any issues that might arise. This results in a final product that does exactly what our customers need it to do, with no hidden surprises.
We embrace a culture of openness - there are no empires here. It's refreshing to be able to approach anybody and to be able to have the discussions that need to take place. This philosophy of everybody swimming in the same direction, makes ALD a fun place to work!
'A day in the life of...Elliot Ward
Application Developer
"Since getting involved with the CSR committee, I’ve enjoyed sharing ideas to expand on the current success stories, and taken a number of paid volunteering days supporting a charity that matters to me."
The vast majority of my time is purely spent developing. However, we do have ceremonies for sprint planning, refinement and retro. Our team leaders and business analysts do a good job of sheltering us from too many meetings, meaning we can concentrate on the technical side. The development projects are engaging, well managed and most importantly the team are really friendly and helpful.
One of my defining achievements is getting a new internal underwriting app out (in record time) and working closely with the underwriters to make sure what we were producing was exactly what they requested.
ALD passionately encourage CSR activities, and I started getting involved within the CSR committee (as I’d been part of one at my last company). Since then I have helped guide the direction of the working group at the monthly meetings and taken a number of paid CSR days to volunteer with a charity that matters to me.
'A day in the life of...Darren Haley'
Helpdesk Technician
"I love working for IT Infrastructure as we’re given the freedom to make our own decisions, we’re not micro managed and work well as a unit."
I’m responsible for setting up new starters, decommissioning leavers and amending change of roles within the whole business. In addition I also manage the hardware that users require, and this means looking after building PC’s, Laptop’s and Surface books as well as stock management.
The team are fantastic at supporting me considering I had little to no experience in this particular role and that has given me the confidence to look at my career options, which ALD are amazing in supporting all individuals with.
Another great reason to work for ALD is their ongoing work into mental health education and acknowledgement, I am now MHFA trained and looking forward to the giant leaps the company is making in ensuring that staff and their mental health are put first. I can honestly say, I now love coming to work and that was not the case for many other businesses I have previously worked for.
'A day in the life of...Ben Gitsham'
Application Developer
"I truely believe ALD is invested in me as an employee. giving me the time and resources I require to train to develop my skillset."
My daily routine changes day to day but typically, it consists of a daily stand-up at 09.45, possibly a refinement session and other meetings around current work. I’ll then work on a story from our current sprint, or help with testing. Certain days also include activities such as the LIVE release or prepping for demo.
I’m lucky that at ALD, I get the chance to be involved in a large variety of projects. This suits my preferred working style as I like to get involved in as much as possible. As a result, I don’t feel I have one big achievement but rather a lot of smaller achievements and projects that I can say I am proud to have worked on. These include our content management system, our emails process, scheduling and most recently our new special offers journey.
The best thing about ALD is by far the people I get to work with each day. The business and development team as a whole are friendly, full of character and always willing to help when asked. The team around me are fantastic, we are in constant good spirits and work very well as a single unit.
The flexibility of the work is another benefit. Both in the sense of agile development, meaning I go home each day feeling achieved and positive, even on challenging days; also in the sense of the technologies we work with here. Focusing mainly on C# and Angular, we are actively encouraged to try new ideas and use other technologies. I have ample opportunity here to get involved in anything I would like to. I truly believe ALD is invested in me as an employee. Giving me the time and resources I require to train to develop my skillset.